Saturday, January 1, 2011

Where is the rule of law?

I always thought this is one case which is absolutely one sided. When Mass raja Ravitejaananda's brothers Raghunanda and Bharathaananda were caught red handed buying cocaine at Banjarahills, I thought they will be punished. An optimist in me told me they will get what they deserve the most-Imprisonment.

I was shocked when they were released a few weeks ago and city police withdrew cases against them.

Shocking no?

If you have money or power or atleast fame, you can get away even if you murdered someone live on a TV station.I have lost hopes on judiciary. Ofocurse as a Swami, I am sure bad Karma will punish them one day or the other. But it is beyond my comprehension on how shamelessly city police let them go free. For what? How can their cases be withdrawn?

Are the Police telling people that they were false cases? Was the arrest for buying cocaine false?Were TV channels lying?

I better get back to my meditation that ask questions for which you all know the answers. Everything was Drama Drama!!

Antha Varaku Naa Drama Meeke!!

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