Friday, December 31, 2010

Moved by Balakrishnaanada's good heart!!

Though I am a Swami, I use mobile phones. Whenever I recieve jokes on Balayya, I laugh heartily. The other day when I saw him do something good, I resolved, I will never laugh at anything Balakrishnanada does.

At Paramaveera Chakra audio launch, Balayyaananda donated so much money to poor jawans. Most of those jawans lost their limbs, eye sight and paralysed. He gave them money and spoke to them well. As I was watching this over television, my heart went out for those jawans who lost their body parts to safeguard us.

Balayyaananda was so kind enough to remember them during the audio of his movie with an army background.Service to mankind is service to god. There are a few actors who talk about spirituality and then build luxurious homes for themselves at Boulder Hills in the city. They don't even offer water to their visitors. On the other side, there are people like Balayyananda who gave a real meaning to the term STAR.

May you live long and my blessings are always with you Balayyaananda.

Antha Varaku Naa Drama Meeke!!

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